Welcome to INSITE’s blog. We like packaging equipment. And we really like packaging equipment when we can figure out ways to infuse it with fresh thinking and new technologies so your job becomes easier than it was before. Note the emphasis on the words ‘your job.’
We’re starting this business around a couple of radically re-conceived case erectors and a case sealer, but our products won’t be the focus. Yes, since we sell them they might come up from time to time, but we’re not going to dwell on them. We know this industry, so we recognize that our equipment represents just a sliver of the larger ‘packaged goods’ world you work in. At the end of the day, that’s really our only promise for this tiny corner of the web; we’ll use this space to riff on whatever moves us, so long as we think it will also move you (or your packaged products).
But we do think there are a few good reasons to come back later and check us out…
#1. We’ll Be Fresh
There are plenty of places on our site to go on and on about our case erectors and case sealers—and to wax poetic about INSITE’s role as a premier packaging equipment supplier. So we won’t do that here. If that’s all we did there wouldn’t be much point to this blog because, aside from Google’s algorithm, no one would read it. So we’re going to look for other fun stuff to dwell on and write about. Things we think will interest you. Lucky for us, and you, we happen to design and build packaging machines for one of the biggest and most exciting industries in the world.
The consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry impacts over 10% of the world’s $75+ trillion “gross world product,” which is a global version of the more familiar “gross domestic product.” That’s around $8 trillion in global value generated each year by CPG. By 2025, that number will approach $14 trillion. So it’s safe to say that our favorite industry has some serious global impact.
Here in the United States, that impact is tangible for all of us. Each year, over two million jobs and 30,000 communities are directly impacted by CPG manufacturing. Another nine million jobs become relevant when you consider the indirect influences on farmers and workers throughout the supply chain. And most tangible of all? Every one of us, to one degree or another, is a consumer of CPG products.
While selling packaging machines or case erectors is a relatively small segment by itself, it’s a part of something that’s big and important for all of us. Guess we won’t have to look too hard for important and fresh things to write about, will we?
And don’t worry, we’ll still find ways to sprinkle in a few references to automated packaging equipment, case sealers and case erectors. After all, we’re in the business of designing and producing the best and most reliable packaging machines—it would be foolish not to bring it up at all, wouldn’t it?
#2. We’ll Be Consistent
Our fearless search engine gurus tell us that consistency is key. Consistently publish four times per month, to be exact. Okay, fine. But pleasing the search engines is one thing. Pleasing our customers—our readers—is another. Search traffic isn’t effective if you’re duped into visiting a site that ultimately disappoints.
So we’re going to do our own thing. We’re going to post four times per month, but not because the SEO folks tell us to—because we want to. We’re committed to four entries per month because we want to be there for you, every time you visit, with content that’s as fresh and exciting as our case erecting equipment. (That, and even though we don’t need to please the search engines, we don’t need to irritate them, either.)
#3. We’ll Be About You
You visit sites that interest you. We know that. We respect that. And we’ll honor that here by trying to cover topics that we think you’ll find interesting, or refreshing, or both. As promised above, our topics will range far and wide, beyond our little corner of erectors, sealers and other standardized packaging equipment. After all, given its breadth, there are few places the CPG industry can’t take us. But rather than subject you to an unfiltered spray of topics, we’ll constantly try to look at this massive industry through your lens.
If you’re a buyer responsible for large capital expenditure projects involving packaging machinery, we’ll try to speak to you about that process, how we might help, and–if justifiable–how our automated packaging equipment might benefit you.
If you’re an engineer looking for a better and more reliable way to use packaging automation to move your product from one end of the packaging line to the other, we’ll try to speak to you, too. Sure, that could be our machines. But it could also be techniques, best practices, or methods. Maybe even some “don’t dos” to round out the offering.
And if you’re a buyer or an owner that just wants the best case erector value your money can buy, you can bet we’ll have some posts for you.
Grow Your Knowledge With INSITE
Whatever your role, if you’re in the CPG industry and working with automated packaging equipment on a regular basis, we’re dedicated to posting content that you find interesting, informative, and fun. And if, by some strange twist of fate, you decide that one of INSITE’s case formers or case sealers belongs on your factory floor… well, it would be irresponsible of us not to help.
1.McKinsey & Company, Three Myths About Growth in Consumer Packaged Goods, June 2015
2.Grocery Manufacturers Association, Economic Impact of Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Industry, www.gmaonline.org